Feed enhancements
In addition to the feed creation, product update automation and publishing, The Cresco Data Platform has the following feed enhancement capabilities:
Feed Enrichment
- Merging of multiple data sources
- Enrichment of feeds from additional sources (e.g. relational data, ERP systems, conversion rates, etc.)
- Addition of dimensional data
- Adding of keywords
- Customer specific rule based overwrites
- Moving the order of text
- Image hosting on our content delivery network (CDN)
- Resizing of images to destination requirements
- Change image background e.g. to white
- Adding of watermarks
Content Creation
- SKU creation
- Unique product identifier creation
- Extraction of additional information from product data such as colour, size, brand
Data Cleansing
- Standardisation of text to remove:
- All capitals
- Repetitive text
- Sales promotion text
- Currency conversions
- Band based rounding of prices to avoid ‘odd’ numbers
- Adding or subtracting percentage changes in price by destination, brand or category
- Tax calculations
- Sales promotions