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Roadmap 2022: The year ahead for the CrescoData product development roadmap.

CrescoData - leading API integrator product enhancements and raodmap for 2022

Roadmap 2022: The year ahead for the CrescoData product development roadmap.

What’s coming in 2022?

– Product Rules Editor – Create rules to overwrite product attributes from the source. Data does not need updating at the source.
BETA Preview Video.

– Automated Documentation – Customers will see how attributes are mapped between a source channel to a destination.

– Error Responses – Translation of raw integration responses to understandable actions.

– Health Dashboard – Summary of a Merchant’s CrescoData setup including number of products published and number of products with errors + actions required.

– Management Portal Dashboards –  Watch the Video.

– Automated Testing – Internal development process improvements to ensure changes to mappings are as expected without changing the behaviour for other scenarios.

– API Developers Portal – A developers portal on how customers can integrate into CrescoData’s API with standardised scenarios, payload formats.

– Portal UX / UI Improvements – Increasing transparency, removing ambiguity, showcase dataflow links and making individual setups more configurable.

If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see in the CrescoData platform, please contact your customer success team member or send us your suggestions here.
Take a look back at our highlights from 2021.

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