CrescoData Marketplace Mapper
Are you spending time manually mapping products to individual marketplace requirements with no visibility on attributes at a category level or understanding why products have failed?
The CrescoData Marketplace Mapper enables you to use your Source Platform as The Source of Truth to sync products with marketplaces. The CrescoData Mapping Language provides a unified data structure to enable efficient mapping to each marketplace’s requirements, removing the need for manual product mapping by marketplace.
- Map products in hours not weeks: by only seeing Channel specific Categories and Attributes
- Save Time: through automation, business rules and mapping logic
- Maintain a Single Source of Truth: Update your product catalogue in your own system. This is automatically published to the marketplace requirements
- Change Mappings: use the CrescoData mapping screens to change or override product mappings by channels
- Automated Image resizing: to destination requirements
- Flexible Rules: rules can be set surrounding titles and attributes
- Automated category tree updates: marketplace category trees are updated on a daily basis and any rejected products are surfaced to remap