The following filters are available in the dashboard. All filters are stackable and will be applied across the entire page.
- Date: This has the ability to filter by standard range or a custom range.
- To filter by custom range, go to “Custom Range”
> Select a date on the calendar picker as the start date
> Select a Date on the calendar picker as end date
> Select “Apply”.
- Country: Contains the list of all countries where channels are activated. To filter by country, scroll from dropdown list or type country name and select in dropdown list.
- Merchants: Contain list of all your merchants connected to CrescoData. To filter by merchant, scroll from dropdown list of type merchant name and select in dropdown list.
- Integrations: Contains a list of all your Integrations connected via CrescoData. To filter by Publishing Destination, scroll from dropdown list or type channel name and select in dropdown list.