Order Product Integration
Alerts are for the last response for a product variant or order. To see historical responses use the History Log tab to review. Click here to review how to review products historically.
How to troubleshoot a problem
Below are the key filters required to troubleshoot actionable issues:
- Level - Error
- Merchant - To review a specific merchant
- Update / Create date filters - Reviewing for example the most recent update today.
- Type / Code - Refine to specific errors.
Here you can also export the filtered results to analyse in Excel.
Explaining filters
- Identifier - Search on the individual product variant SKU.
- Message - Search a keyword within the body of the success or error message i.e. "Category" which will bring up all category errors.
- Level
- Success - Creation, update was successful to marketplace and this is the response back.
- Warning - Creation, update was successful, however there was a warning response that should be reviewed and adjusted if required.
- Error - The creation or update was not successful and needs to be reviewed and actioned before republishing.
- Type
- Source Mapping - Issues with data received from you platform, that needs to be reviewed. This error comes from CrescoData.
- Destination Mapping - Mapping errors to destination platforms. This error is a check at CrescoData’s end.
- API Request - Message back from integration, as to a success or failure of API call sent.
- Pending - Waiting to send to destination integration.
- HTTP Code - Code of response sent from integration. 200s = success, 400s = error, 300s = warning.
- Feed ID - The unique ID used to group API calls together. You can add this as a column to the list, to then copy and paste into this field to view all results.
- System Code - Code specific to destination integration. Can be added as a column to then filter by.
- System Call - API we used to generate response. Can be added as a column to then filter by.
- System Identifier - Order or product ID specific to the destination integration.
- Merchant - Ability to search all responses for a particular merchant.
- Integration - Ability to search all responses by integration.
- Cresco ID - Ability to search messages by a Cresco ID. This can be added as a column.
- Integration ID - Ability to search messages by Integration ID. This can be added as a column.
- Ignored - For each response you choose to ignore it. This allows you to filter on all responses ignored.
- Update After - To filter all responses that were updated after a certain date.
- Updated Before - To filter all responses that were updated before a certain date.
- Created After - To filter all responses that were created after a certain date.
- Created Before - To filter all responses that were created before a certain date.
Explaining - Error Codes (Errors)
Order Code | Description | Action |
Duplicate Customer | An error when trying to create a customer, that already exists. | Review the channel response and troubleshoot within your platform, to see if there is any action to resolve. |
Duplicate Refund | Error when trying to create a refund for an order, where a refund has already been created. | Review the channel response and troubleshoot within your platform, to see if there is any action to resolve. |
Insufficient Data | Issue with an order attribute mapping. | Review the error and request a mapping update with CrescoData support. Be sure to provide a management portal link to an affected order. |
Invalid Api Response | API responded with a number of errors, or was not in an expected format. | Review the error and request a mapping update with CrescoData support. Be sure to provide a Management Portal link to an affected order. |
Invalid Schema | Issue with an order attribute mapping. | Review the error and request a mapping update with CrescoData support. Be sure to provide a management portal link to an affected order. |
Not Found | No order record match to update. | Review the record in question to see if an order is missing. Also review this in the marketplace seller center. If the order is valid and missing then submit a ticket to CrescoData support with the channel and order reference. |
Not Processed | Create or update was not successful. | Review the response and troubleshoot a fix. If a fix cannot be found, then submit a detailed ticket to CrescoData support with a Management Portal link to the affected order. |
Order Cancellation Failed | Cancellation failed to process. | Review the response message and order in the channel seller center, to see if any action is required. |
Order Creation Failed | Order creation from channel failed to created in platform. | Review the error response, see if this can be troubleshooted in your platform. If this cannot be resolved then submit a support ticket to CrescoData with a link to the order in the Management Portal. |
Order Invoice Creation Failed | Order invoice failed to create in platform. | Review the error response, see if this can be troubleshooted in your platform. If this cannot be resolved then submit a support ticket to CrescoData with a link to the order in the Management Portal. |
Order Shipment Update Failed | Order shipment update failed in platform. | Review the error response, see if this can be troubleshooted in your platform. If this cannot be resolved then submit a support ticket to CrescoData with a link to the order in the Management Portal. |
Order Update Failed | Order update failed in platform. | Review the error response, see if this can be troubleshooted in your platform. If this cannot be resolved then submit a support ticket to CrescoData with a link to the order in the Management Portal. |
Rendering Error | Issue in processing data. | Review the error response, see if this can be troubleshooted in your platform. If this cannot be resolved then submit a support ticket to CrescoData with a link to the order in the Management Portal. |
Template Error | Issue with Cresco's mapping template | Review the error response, see if this can be troubleshooted in your platform. If this cannot be resolved then submit a support ticket to CrescoData with a link to the order in the Management Portal. |
Timeout | Error due to API timed out | Review the response / error to see if the API continues to timeout. If so, contact CrescoData for further investigation. |
Unauthorized | Invalid Credentials provided to API | To test the connection and see if new credentials need to be added to authenticate correctly. |
Unknown Error | Uncaught & unexpected errors | Errors that are yet to be categorized in CrescoData. Error responses should be reviewed for action if required. |
Refund Creation Failed | Refund failed to create in platform. | Review the error response, see if this can be troubleshooted in your platform. If this cannot be resolved then submit a support ticket to CrescoData with a link to the order in the Management Portal. |
Connection Error | Issues with CrescoData connecting to the channel. | Test the connection, review the authentication details and modify if required. |
Alert Update Failed | Failed to send a response back to your platform. | Review the response from your platform to see if any adjustments need to be made at your end to accept the altert. |
Explaining - Error Codes (Warnings / Success)
Order Code | Description | Action |
Order Shipment Warning | Order shipment update in platform, however with warning. | Review the warning response to see if any action is required. |
Order Warning | Order updated with warning | Review the warning response to see if any action is required. |
Refund Warning | Refund created with warning. | Review the warning response to see if any action is required. |
Customer Created | If applicable, a customer record was successfully created before inserting an order. | No Action Needed |
Customer Updated | Successful update of an existing customer, who is a repeat purchaser. | No Action Needed |
Order Cancelled | Order cancellation created / updated. | No Action Needed |
Order Created | Order created from channel to platform. | No Action Needed |
Order Invoice Created | Order invoice successfully created in platform. | No Action Needed |
Order Updated | Order successfully updated in platform | No Action Needed |
Refund Created | Refund successfully created in platform. | No Action Needed |
Integration Status Updated | Updating a destination channel on the status of their integrations. | No Action Needed |
Alert Updated | Successfully updated a response back to your platform. | No Action Needed |